Principal’s Welcome

It is a privilege to be the Principal of St Francis Xavier Primary School. It was my good fortune to be appointed as the Principal of St Francis Xavier in June, 2017. Previous to this position, I was involved in many, varied roles within Catholic Education for over thirty years. 

We welcome you and your child to St Francis Xavier School and hope the years spent here will be successful and enjoyable. St Francis Xavier School was established in 1976, and it has a long, valued and vibrant history. There is a strong community spirit and much has been achieved over the years through the hard work of students, staff members, families, former students and members of the wider community. I believe that this acknowledgment and connection with the past provides a strong foundation for our dynamic school community. 

We strive to develop each child’s full potential by recognising their individual giftedness as part of God’s creation.  We believe that each child is a precious gift from God, created as an individual with special gifts, talents and abilities. We are very proud of the harmonious relationship shared by our diverse cultures and how we all celebrate our Gospel values.

Our school is committed to developing a safe and comfortable environment that allows our students to learn and flourish.  It provides students with a high quality education that equips them with the spiritual foundations, knowledge and skills that they need to participate in and contribute to society. We encourage independent and critical thinkers who are able to problem solve in a range of situations. We draw on the Victorian Curriculum to ensure our students receive the learning they are entitled to receive. We encourage our students in all areas. We offer a range of subject areas. Students develop a sense of their own identity and how they fit into our local and global communities.  We actively encourage leadership and teach children how they can stand up for their beliefs in a positive way. We celebrate our own success and the success of others.

St Francis Xavier School is a strong community that works together as one with families, students, staff and the parish to foster an environment that can enable us all to reach our fullest potential. I encourage all families to be part of this valuable partnership that has been instrumental to the success of St Francis Xavier School for so many years. I look forward to continuing the journey with you, and to sharing the dreams and aspirations you have for your children and our school. Together, we move closer to achieving our Vision, to ‘create a culture that values strong relationships between students, family and community’.

I am always happy to discuss queries that families may have, and I particularly welcome enquiries from prospective families.

Maria Scala