
We see the area of Wellbeing as primarily focused on raising the wellbeing of the whole school community. Our way forward involves Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL), a prevention practice that embraces the safety and connectedness of the whole community. When intervention is required for small groups or individual students to address either social, behavioural or learning issues we are able to provide them with valuable assistance through our staff, the PBL team, or our school counsellor.

There are a number of areas that Student Wellbeing encompasses. These include:

St Francis Xavier School is a Restorative School, and actively works towards implementing Restorative Practices, a whole school approach that aims to develop positive behaviour between individuals. The Restorative process provides people with skills and strategies to take responsibility for their choices and actions. It helps them recognise the impact of these actions on others, and encourages them to rebuild broken relationships and move forward.

At St Francis Xavier School the main goal of our Wellbeing program is to develop a supportive learning environment, both in and out of the classroom. We aim to empower all students to develop independence, confidence and resilience, in order to promote positive relationships in all aspects of their lives. We explicitly teach Social Emotional Learning (SEL). The SEL lessons take place in all year levels. 

During these lessons students learn more about the five core competencies of Social and Emotional Learning: