Extra-Curricular Activities

‘Farm to Plate’

This program is targeted for students in Years 3 to 6. The garden program provides students with an opportunity to learn responsibility by caring for plants, and enjoying the food they have grown. They practise teamwork and develop creativity in finding new and exciting ways to grow food. 


This program, also targeted for the students in Years 3 to 6, encourages hands on experiences with food preparation. They then share the food and enjoy the company of others.

Water Familiarisation and Safety, and Swimming Program

Students from Foundation to Year Six participate in an annual program.

ClassLinks - Singing

This program is targeted to the families and students from Foundation to Year 2. Families are invited to the classroom to develop the confidence to sing with their children. The ClassLinks singing sessions in the Junior Learning Community also support learning in Literacy and Mathematics. 

Excursions and Incursions

During the year, excursions and incursions are arranged in order to extend and enrich the students' learning experiences.  All students are encouraged to participate in the school’s programs. Details of excursions and incursions are supplied prior to the activities.

School Camp

Years 5 and 6 have a camp experience in both years. There is a separate camp levy for Years 5 and 6 students.

Music Bus

‘Music Bus’ is an external provider of music lessons. Students have the option to learn to play an instrument or have singing lessons.